Dreamland, also known as Lullabye Song, is a song featured on The Picture Machine in the Season 3 episode Mr. Conductor's Big Sleepwalk, viewed by Dan, Kara and Becky at the suggestion of Stacy. It is written and performed by Kevin Roth and was produced by Frank Vitale. The song is about a Midnight Train taking the listener off to Dreamland. It was also featured on the Sleepytime Singsongs cassette tape where Tito played the song in the hopes of helping Rex get to sleep.
- There's a midnight train on its way to Dreamland
And it has a dream just waiting there for you
Just close :your eyes and hear the whistle blowing
Let the midnight train make all your dreams come true
- Dreamland, Dreamland
- The conductor of this train hears the sandman
And it sings to you his sweetest lullaby
And all that rides :his midnight bound for Dreamland
Never ever wants to say goodbye
- Dreamland, Dreamland
- There's a midnight train on its way to Dreamland
And it has a dream just waiting there for you
It's a song :and a wish and a promise never broken
Let the midnight train make all your dreams come true
- Dreamland, Dreamland