Missing Whistles is the first episode of Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales and the seventy-first episode of Shining Time Station.
At the park, Mr. Conductor gets into an accident with a rabbit. Then, he says that next time he's in the park, he'll wear a rabbit catcher, just like how the engines have cow catchers. However, just as Mr. Conductor is about to begin the story, he loses his whistle. Instead, he uses his fingers and mouth to whistle to begin the first story. Afterwards, he looks all over the station for the whistle, but to no avail. Just then, he uses a party horn to begin the next story. With no luck still, Mr. Conductor continues to rethink his steps as to where the whistle could've been. For the next story, he whistles with his mouth. He then checks the birdhouse outside the station, but it's not there either and gets Mrs. Bird to whistle to the final story. Finally, Mrs. Bird recovers Mr. Conductor's whistle, saying that the whistle was given to Thomas so that Sir Topham Hatt could polish it. To close out the show, Mr. Conductor blows on his whistle.
Thomas Stories
- Really Useful Engine (shortened)
- For reasons unknown (assumingly an editing error), there is no whistle sound when "Thomas, Percy and the Dragon" begins.
- This is one of two episodes in the whole series to feature a Thomas story that features Daisy.
#01 Missing Whistles | #02 Wildlife | #03 Wish You Were Here |
#04 For the Birds | #05 Splish, Splash, Splosh | #06 Paint the Town Red |