Shining Time Station Singsongs is a 1992 VHS featuring sixteen songs from Shining Time Station.
- Shining Time Station Theme Song
- Everyone's A Winner (Field Day)
- Be Good to Yourself (Word's Out)
- Follow Directions (Mapping it Out)
- Better When He Grows Up (Do I Hear)
- What Goes Around Comes Around (Just Wild About Harry's Workshop)
- Let's All Work Together (Whistle While You Work)
- Old But Wise (Ring in the Old)
- Kite Song (Faith, Hope and Anxiety)
- We Do Things Differently (Agree to Disagree)
- Baking a Cake (Two Old Hands)
- Caring (Achoo)
- What Am I Afraid Of? (Scare Dares)
- Don't Be Afraid (Does It Bite?)
- Learn From Your Mistakes (And The Band Played Off)
- Bounce Back (Show and Yell)
- All of the Mr. Conductor clips were taken from various first season episodes.
- This is one of the few Shining Time Station VHS tapes that don't feature Thomas the Tank Engine.
- The images on the front and back cover are all taken from the cartoons used in Be Good To Yourself.
- This video features 11 songs from the first season and four from the second season.
- On the back cover, Don't Be Afraid is listed before What Am I Afraid Of?.