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Shining Time Station Wiki

Shining Time Station Singsongs is a 1992 VHS featuring sixteen songs from Shining Time Station.


  1. Shining Time Station Theme Song
  2. Everyone's A Winner (Field Day)
  3. Be Good to Yourself (Word's Out)
  4. Follow Directions (Mapping it Out)
  5. Better When He Grows Up (Do I Hear)
  6. What Goes Around Comes Around (Just Wild About Harry's Workshop)
  7. Let's All Work Together (Whistle While You Work)
  8. Old But Wise (Ring in the Old)
  9. Kite Song (Faith, Hope and Anxiety)
  10. We Do Things Differently (Agree to Disagree)
  11. Baking a Cake (Two Old Hands)
  12. Caring (Achoo)
  13. What Am I Afraid Of? (Scare Dares)
  14. Don't Be Afraid (Does It Bite?)
  15. Learn From Your Mistakes (And The Band Played Off)
  16. Bounce Back (Show and Yell)



  • On the back cover, Don't Be Afraid is listed before What Am I Afraid Of?.

